Since 1994, Jeff has dedicated his career to assisting clients in and out of court. He brings extensive experience in commercial and business tort litigation, business transactions, and real estate litigation and transactions. Jeff has a solid record in constitutional litigation, including civil rights, section 1983 cases, and challenges to unconstitutional statutes. He began his legal career with an appellate clerkship, establishing him as a seasoned appellate advocate. Jeff represents clients in cases involving breach of contract, business disputes, land issues, and constitutional challenges. He provides general counsel services to small and startup businesses, as well as handles public lands and environmental litigation.

Jeffrey B. Teichert

Direct: +1 801-346-8803

Licensed in Utah and Washington


Real Estate & Land Use

  • Litigated statutory validity of lis pendens notice of pendency of action in lawsuit involving equitable and fraud-claims involving land (commercial/urban and rural/undeveloped land).
  • Obtained significant settlements from the State of Washington in eminent domain cases involving power plant and highway expansion.
  • Protected farmers against destruction of productive farmland by flooding of Nooksack River.
  • Recovered farm from purchaser in seller-financed sale of farm and successfully collected delinquent payments.Defended private property owner against uncompensated taking of land for county road.
  • Successfully defended tenant at trial against false damage claims of landlord.Represented Washington Building Industry Association in legislative proceedings to downzone the Lake Whatcom and Lake Samish watersheds.
  • Represented sign and awning company in warranty action by owner of commercial skyscraper.

Business Law

  • Visited China with other prominent business leaders as part of the State of Utah Salt Lake City Region Trade Delegation sponsored by the World Sky International Group in 2017.  
  • Saved paper and packaging company by enforcing non-compete and trade secret agreements against key employee who went to work for a competitor.  
  • Negotiated and enforced numerous business-to-business contracts.Negotiated substantial settlement for employee under Federal Tort Claims Act.
  • Filed trademark applications and enforced trademarks of manufacturer of unique products.

Constitutional & Civil Rights

  • Successfully Defended Utah’s Oil, Gas, and Coal Statutes against a constitutional challenge.Successfully Defended Utah’s process for imposing and rescinding mask mandates in public schools against a constitutional challenge.
  • Successfully Defended Utah’s Anti-SLAPP Act against a constitutional challenge.Successfully defended property rights in eminent domain and regulatory takings cases.Forced change of management at resort hotel based on religious discrimination.
  • Filed leading amicus curiae brief in the United States Supreme Court in landmark Second Amendment case, District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008).

Public Lands & Natural Resources

  • Wrote and filed the leading amicus curiae brief in support of successful petition for writ of certiorari and later on the merits to the United States Supreme Court in Public Lands Council v. Babbitt, 529 U.S. 728 (2000). Also participated in moot court session and several conferences to prepare lead counsel for oral argument in the Supreme Court.
  • Negotiated settlement that saved more than 50 cattle ranches against challenge under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in Oregon Natural Desert Ass'n. v. Singleton, 47 F.Supp.2d 1182 (D.Or. 1998).
  • Significant experience with National Environmental Policy Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Endangered Species Act, Taylor Grazing Act, Federal Lands Policy Amendments Act, Public Rangelands Improvement Act, National Forest Management Act, RS 2477, and other law related to land use and public lands management.
  • Saved several ranches from going out of business by negotiating settlement with United States Forest Service to address endangered species, range improvements, and forage issues.

Other Experience and Service

  • Judicial Law Clerk to Honorable F. Michael Kruse and Honorable Lyle L. Richmond, 1994-1996, High Court of American Samoa.
  • Candidate for the Washington State Court of Appeals in 2006 with a large number of high profile endorsements including: Former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton, State Supreme Court Justice J.M. Johnson, State Senator Dale Brandland, and American Hero Buck Compton.
  • Member, Board of Advisors, Foundation for Family Life of Utah (2020-Present).
  • Served on the Blaine City Planning Commission, 2008-2010.


  • George Washington University Law School, LLM, 2008
  • Emphases: English and early American Constitutional History; Environmental Law, awarded “with highest honors.” 3.88 grade point average overall.
  • Brigham Young University Law School, J.D., 1994
  • Senior Editor, BYU Journal of Public Law
  • Brigham Young University, B.S., 1991

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